My Aged Care has been established by the Australian Government to help you navigate the aged care system. The Gateway is part of the Australian Government’s changes to the aged care system which have been designed to give people more choice, more control and easier access to a full range of aged care services.
To learn more, visit the My Aged Care Website
From 1 January 2019, the new Commission will assume the functions of the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner and the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency. The aged care quality and safety Commissioner is responsible for the management of complaints about the care and services provided to people receiving Australian Government subsidised aged care.
The aged care quality and safety Commissioner provides a free service for anyone to raise their concerns about the quality of care or services being delivered to people receiving aged care services funded by the Australian Government.
To learn more, visit the aged care quality and safety Commissioner website https://www.agedcarequality.
The Charter of Aged Care Rights outlines the rights of care recipients when receiving care in their home.
For a copy of the Charter click here or contact us to request a copy.
“JCS respects every individual’s legal right to privacy. Our Privacy Policy has been updated and summarises how we handle your personal information”.
To view our Privacy Policy, click here.
For further information on Privacy and the Australian Privacy Principles, please visit the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website.
“JCS respects the client’s choice to involve an advocate of their choice, representing their interests, at any time and where it is the expressed wish of the client”.
To view our Advocacy Policy, click here
Your feedback is important to us so that we can learn what we are doing well and what areas we need to improve on.
To provide your feedback, click here
JCS is an approved provider of aged care and our goal is to work alongside you to access all your care and well-being requirements so that you can get the most from your Home Care Package. To learn more about Home Care Packages with JCS, click here
“The safety and welfare of our people is our most important value. We are determined to operate our business so as to ensure that all our employees, volunteers, clients and contractors and the communities in which we operate are kept free of injury and illness”.
To view our Health & Safety Policy Statement, click here
To learn how we promote active ageing through our Active Choices Active People model of service, click here for more information.
South Australia can experience long periods of extreme heat so it is important to know what the effects of extreme heat are, who is at risk and how you can prepare for and cope during times of extreme heat.
A range of resources on heat and managing heat related illness are available from the SA Health Website
To view the comprehensive ‘Guide to coping and staying healthy in the heat’ click here
Planning Ahead is about taking control of your future. It is about putting things in place. It means that your choices will be known and acted on if you cannot express them yourself at some time in the future.
This may happen if you have a sudden accident, become very ill or develop a condition that affects your memory and your planning ability.
Various legal tools are available to help secure future health, financial, legal and personal choices – such as an Advance Care Directive, Enduring Power of Attorney, Will and registration for organ and tissue donation. Making wishes known in advance can help reduce family stress and conflict during times of crisis.
It is never too early to plan ahead:
- Talk to your family now about your future wishes!
- Act now to protect your future rights, wishes, values and preferences!